Thursday 21 February 2013

Type workshop 4//Task

Creating a double page spread

Layout 1

Using the canon here is the development of a simple layout. The typeface used for the header is 'Tahoma' and the body copy text is 'Gill sans light'.

As the name is quite long it would be proportionally better if it sat on two lines especially as it is a bold header. As the name is aligned to the left and takes up roughly half the page, it made sense to also align the content paragraph to left. The typeface looked better in a dark grey as the black was too strong and distracted from the photo. 

As the typeface is faded, their needed to be a balance of colour between the image and type. So using photoshop the image colour levels were adjusted to give a washed out aesthetic. 

This is what the final double page would look like. It is quite clean looking and not too much content overloading the page. 

Layout 2

To experiment with layout, another double page spread was produced using the same content but different grid. 

Placing the image in a square and the title framing this really helped it to stand out and be the focal point of the page. It is still very simple and easy to read but their is something different to it than the normal layout. 

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