Tuesday 15 May 2012

OUGD 406- Evaluation

End of module self-evaluation

  1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
The first brief in this module was ‘Communication is a virus’. This was a group project, which allowed me to develop voicing my opinions and working as a team. Even though we have done group briefs before this one was with people that I had chosen to work with. Sometimes, working with people that are your friends can cause problems, but we found that it benefited our group. This brief was the first time I had pitched an idea to a business in the environment. I feel as though I have become more confident with my concepts and talking about them to other people and adapting to situations. Each module has improved my illustrator skills, in particularly the briefs set in this module. The ‘Stamp it brief’ asked to work as a small-scale, which challenged my design ideas and made me work in a different perspective.

  1. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
In this module I think I have become better at spending more times on design sheets and coming up with initial visuals and not rushing off to design the final thing. ‘Communication is a virus’ brief allowed me to explore the approach of interpreting something quite disconnected to the original starting point. As a group we all had different approaches and methods of design production but this is what made discover a few concepts before we finally decided on a final point of enquiry. The ‘It’s your choice’ brief allowed me to choose what brief I would like to revisit. I really enjoyed having a choice to extend a previous project. I think because we were able to take it in any direction I was able to really focus on the process of development.

  1. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise these?
I think this module has improved my group skills and given me more confidence to pitch my ideas. I feel as though in this module I have managed my time well and have not felt as overwhelmed as I have done in previous modules. I think it is partly because I have found the briefs really motivating and feel more confident in my skills to complete them.

  1. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?
I think I still have not really experimented that much with different outcomes and processes. I would really of liked to screen printed my final ‘It’s your choice brief’. I think I need to be more experimental with the media and stock I use. When it comes to my blog I still think I need to write more in depth and be more critical of my design. I also think it is important for me to be more selective with what I show.

Attendance- 3      Quantity of work produced- 3
Punctuality- 3         Quality of work produced- 3
Motivation-4           Contribution to the group- 4
Commitment- 4

It's your choice//Final outcomes

Here are the final outcomes to 'It's your choice' brief'.  

Monday 14 May 2012

It's your choice//Presentation boards

Here is a set of presentation boards communicating the concept, development and outcomes of the 'It's your choice brief. 

Sunday 13 May 2012

It's your choice//Nets

After the front cover designs were finalised, some nets were then created on illustrator to form the cover itself. 

It's your choice//Front cover

Here is the development of the front covers to the sets of postcards. 

Friday 4 May 2012

It's you choice//Final version 2

Here are the four final coloured postcards to communicate each proverb. These are presented in A6 format and will be printed onto an off white stock. The idea with the aesthetics was to keep them simple but also to all work as a set. The black type with the colour illustrations link each postcard together.

After doing some experimentation on each design, the final type and colourways were chosen. The colours that were decided on are all different yet relavent to the imagery. 

It is important to choose the correct type for the saying and the imagery as it all has to work together. Therefore each postcard has a type that is appropriate. 

The black line drawings give a hand rendered aesthetic and makes the colours stand out.  

A reverse side of the postcard was designed to fit each design. It was important to keep it simple and a design that would work for all the proverbs. 

Thursday 3 May 2012

It's your choice//Patterns

Patterns for paper-cut 

Here are the patterns for the double sided paper-cut message. One side of the A6 card will be coloured and the other will be black and white so that their is a contrast when the letters stand up. 


Wednesday 2 May 2012

It's your choice//Finals version 1

Here are the first finals for the proverb postcards. They will be printed in A6 format and onto a textured brown stock to give an authentic look. Two versions of the postcard proverbs have been designed to show experimentation with different media and to test weather they work as well.