Wednesday 30 January 2013



1.  What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

As this module has been quite long at thorough I feel as though I have improves my project management skills. At the beginning of the academic year I felt as though I didn’t do much work but as the projects have built upon each other I have become focussed and organised on what I need to do. I have done more hands-on processes, especially in the last brief. This is something that I have also wanted to do but never left enough time or didn’t really know to go about doing it. Learning how to screen print as laser cut has given me the confidence to apply it in future projects.

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

The approach and perspective of this project has been different to any one I have done before. I have obviously never made a website before and very proud of my self for doing so. It is much different than I imagined and want to improve my understanding of code as I think it is an impressive skill to have. Obviously being more hands-one gave me a different perspective of design and taught me that I need to handle my time well to do more traditional processes.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I think one my strengths is learning new techniques and skills. In this module I tried lots of new things, coding a website, laser cutting, screen printing and foiling. All of theses things are very different. I was better at some than others but I enjoyed learning and applying every single one of them. However I think they are skills that I need to keep developing to get better and quicker at them, so this is something I want to carry on doing.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

I feel as though sometimes how my final outcomes and development are presented lets me down. I think my presentation boards could be greatly improved and this is something I want to work more on. I’m not very good at picking out which are the important bits and displaying them in a professional manner. I think to help me with this I need to improve my photography skills and get some good pictures of my final outcome. I need to learn to leave more time at the end of a brief to make finishing touches to presenting my work. I find that research really lets my blog down; I obviously research as I go along but never actually put it on my blog until the end so therefore it is not as in much depth.

 5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

Next time I will try and make sure I stick to a proper timescale in terms of balancing out research time and designing time. This will hopefully give me a more reliable and valid outcome. Also now I have seen a different approach to a project I can take what I have learned and apply it to the next one. I think I will experiment more with different outcomes of design as I really enjoyed the construction side of my products, which isn't something I often do. Hopefully by doing this I will broaden my knowledge of design and it will also test my composition and printing skills. Next time I want to do even more screen-printing, as it will improve the outcome whether it is paper or fabric. Also, I really enjoy doing something that is away from the computer. Lastly, I think I would try and do more primary research because I think it is more beneficial. I would like to take a more practical approach to it and have something as a creative a response, rather than just writing and images. For this project I have so many ideas for primary research but because of time management, I did not get around to doing all of them.

6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas?

Attendance- 5
Punctuality- 4
Motivation- 3
Commitment- 4
Quantity of work produced- 3
Quality of work produced- 3
Contribution to the group- 3

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