Sunday 27 January 2013

ISTD//Creating website

After designing a few different homepages for the website, one has finally been decided upon. It is a simple layout and navigation but it needs to be easier to get around and the logo must stand out. This image below is just a mock-up of what it is hoping to look like. 

Here is the main contents of the website on the css stylesheet. 

Once the position has been decided of these elements they need to be entered in the source code so it links together.  

Here are the buttons of for the website. They were made in Photoshop and are 204 pixels wide by 40 pixels height. The buttons have two versions, known as a 'rollover image'. This means that when you hover over the button the text will change. In this case the type will change colour. The font being used is 'HillHouse' as it matches the aesthetics of the brand. 

Here is what the 'Route folder' looks like which contains the HTML. 

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