Saturday 29 December 2012

ISTD//Change of Design

As the original rewritten brief claimed that the target audience would be young females aged from sixteen to twenty one, a change of design was needed to make it more feminine and inspiring to girls. Continuing with the photographic approach, some female surf photographs were gathered and adjusted on Photoshop. 

Here is an illustrative piece of design that I scanned into illustrator and using the pen tool, traced the outline with a black stroke. 

The image adjusted in Photoshop was then layered with low opacity circles to shore the main focal areas on the image. For example, this photo is portraying Long boarding  therefore a circle was placed over the figure and board to express this. The illustration was the lowered in opacity and layered on top of the image and circle. This gives the overall image a feminine aesthetci aesthetic 

The same stages was done with this photo, however the colourways was changed on the circles to suit the tone of the photograph more. The illustration was expanded and cut and laid out differently. 

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