Tuesday 4 December 2012

ISTD Brief//Rewritten

Brief Title

10 Things to know about…

Sport being the chosen category, within it, ten subject areas need to be chosen related to this topic. Surfing is going to be the sport of choice. Within this, the ten sub divisions will focus on the surfing world. For example, equipment, surf spots, tricks and history etc. It can be communicated in either two ways; web or print. Although it is many about the visuals, typography is the main thing that needs to make the piece effective and successful. Using language and imagery the information needs be legible and clear.

Need to consider in what media and format is this information going to be communicated. Would a website be more appropriate than a book or vice versa. How will the typography work with the imagery and be effective in communication. Has to appeal to the target audience, the design has to be accurate.

Target Audience
The outcome will be aimed at female surfers from 14-25. The females will be experienced surfers who are enthusiastic about the sport and want to gain more knowledge on how to better their surfing and how women revolutionized the art form.

Mandatory requirements
  1. Research and development.
  2. Strategy.
  3. Specifications/grid(s).
  4. Dummy/prototype(s).
  5. Presentation.

Tone of voice
The piece needs to communicate a level of encouragement as well as giving advice and tips. As it is going to be aimed at females, the visuals need to be feminine but at the same time a sense of boldness and quirkiness needs to be shown.

  1. A website that informs female surfers on equipment, travelling, skills and history.
  2. A leaflet
  3. A book

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